PPSC Punjab Education Department Headmaster and Subject Specialist Jobs 2024
Punjab School Education Department has made an important development about the vacant posts of Headmaster, Headmistress, Subject Specialist, and Senior Subject Specialist.
Secretary School Education Department is advised to send the requisition of these posts to PPSC. PPSC is hiring organization and will conduct written tests and interviews.
All qualified candidates are advised to start their test preparation for these upcoming jobs in PPSC. Punjab Public Service Commission will start hiring process after receiving it from SED Punjab.
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Punjab School Education Department suggested that Now, as the process of amendments in Service Rules-2014 is ongoing. Hence, as per previous analogy as explained, the revised requisition for recruitment of subject cited posts, Is hereby submitted for further consideration, please.
There will be 2226 Vacancies. 225 Male Headmaster, 302 Females Headmistress, 521 Male SS, 586 Female SS, 289 Male SSS, 303 Female SSS will be hired by School Education Department. The complete hiring process will be done by Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC.
Note: These jobs are not announced yet, But only Education Department has approved these posts.