Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Check Online | 8171 Ehsass Taleemi Wazifa 2023

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif programme initially started in November 2012 in five districts. After successful implementation , it was expanded from 5 to 32 districts in 2015. In 2018 it reached to 50 districts. Finally in July 2020 programme has been expanded in all districts of Pakistan

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Eligibility Criteria:

Eligibility criteria for enrollment of children in Benazir Taleemi Wazaif program are as under

  • Childern of active BISP Kafalat Beneficiery
  • Age criteria of child is 4-12 years for enrollment in Primary education
  • Age criteria of child is 8-18 years for enrollment in Secondary education
  • Age criteria of child is 13-22 years for enrollment in Higher Secondary education
  • Childern attendance should be more than 70 percent

How to Registar for Taleemi Wazaif Program

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In order to become a beneficiary child of the prograrmme , the child must be enrolled in any school/colleg of the country.

Those women who are getting BISP money should take a opy of B.Form of their child and get it signed from school teacher. Signed form and school admission slip should be present in BISP office. The BISP office will issue a form which should be again signed from school teacher and submit it back in Benzair Income Support Program office.

Documents Required for Application

 The following documents required while applying for Benazir Taleemi Wazaif

  • CNIC / B.Form of the Child
  • School /college admission slip or certificate verified by the teacher

Benefit Amount :

Description     Per Boy /Per Quarter Rs                 Per girl / Per Quarter Rs

Primary Level               1500                                                 2000

Secondary Level             2500                                              3000

Higher Secondary Level   3500                                           4000

Graduation Bonus for Girls :

A one-time graduation bonus of Rs. 3000/- is part of Benazir Education Stipend Program to encourage the girls to complete primary education

Beneficery Child Responsibilities :

There are two co-responsibilities that the children has to comply with in order to receive cash transfers.

  • Admission in School/College
  • 70% quarterly attendance

Admission Co-Responsibility :

Each child of existing active BISP family is verified only once in the programme during registration ( when he/she enter in the Programme). First quarter payment release after enrollment of children in Benazir Taleemi Wazaif.

Attendance Co- Responsibility :

Beneficiary child must attend the school /college  for at least 70% of the effective days within a quarter to get cash transfer from 2nd quarter and onwards.

Total Childern Enrollment until now 2023

Since the programme started , 12.01 million children have been enrolled. Breakup is given in below with education level wise.

Education LevelNo. of BoysNo. of GirlsTotal Children
Higher Secondary156851140810297661

Total Disbursement so far to date:

Since the inception of the programme to date , BISP has disbursed of Rs. 63.34 billion under BTW programme.Year wise breakup of disbursement is given below

Table from

Objective of Benazir Taleemi Wazaif | 8171 Ehsass Taleemi Wazaif 2023

The main objective of this Benazir / Ehsass Taleemi Wazaif Programe are pointed in below

  • To create long term sustainable awareness on the importance of primary , secondary and higher secondary education among BISP beneficiary families
  • To increase enrollment of children in schools for primary , secondary and higher secondary education
  • Awarness of education among poor families
  • To decrease the school dropout rates
  • To improve school attendance by childern.

Major Stakholders of 8171 Ehsass Taleemi Wazaif ( Benazir Taleemi Wazaif) :

The main stakholders involved in the execution of the programme are

  • BISP
  • Provisional Education Deparmtent
  • Schools
  • Donors

What is 8171 Ehsass Taleemi Wazaif Programe

Ehsass is the re-branding or a modern framework introduces by the PTI Government. As BISP started in 2011 with various programs ,some of which closed due to the corruption. Ehsass is the modern framework with more programs to reduce the poverty.

Ehsass Taleemi Wazaif is the new name of Benazir Taleemi Wazaif with latest data and accuracy of deserving people.

After April 2022 , the coalition Government hand over the BISP ministry to PPP Minister Shazia Maree. She again change the name of Ehsass Taleemi Wazaif to Benazir Taleemi Wazaif.

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